Wednesday, September 3, 2008


A Jewish lady dining in a fine restaurant
is about to bite into her meal when she
turns to the man sitting alone at the table
next to her.
'Pardon me, sir' she says. 'Your napkin has
fallen on the floor.'
'Oy! Tanks for dat. Vitout you, I vouldn't
know. I'm blindt.'
He reaches down to find his napkin. Once
it's back on his lap, he asks her if he has
spilled any food on his shirt.
'Hardly at all,' she answers, 'just a few
cracker crumbs.'
'Tanks, again, Missus,' he replies, brushing
them off. 'Vitout you telling, I vouldn't know
dese tings.'
A few moments later, he inquires again,
'Do you mind I should ask a poisonal
'Not at all,' she replies.
'I don't do vell vit de ladies. Do you tink I'm
'You're quite presentable,' she replies. 'That
shouldn't be a problem'
Smiling now, he exults, 'Vat a relief. I vas
alvays afraid to ask. Again, I got to tank you.'
A few more moments pass and the lady
speaks up.
'Do you mind if I give you a bit of advice?'
she asks.
'Soitenly! Listen, I'll take all de help vat
you've got I vill take,' he answers.
'Lose the Jewish accent.' she replies.
'You're black.....'

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